French Creek Fellowship #3: Bright Yellow Door
It’s not a secret that I have heart eyes for all things vintage. I love the history and character of old items, and styling them throughout our home brings me abundant joy.
But, I’ve never wanted our home to feel like a museum. I want our home to be lived in and loved on. I want it to be beautiful to look at, but also comfortable and cozy. There’s nothing worse than trying to relax in a place where you feel that you’re on egg shells.
For this week’s #FrenchCreekFellowship Sunday, I want to introduce you to my friend, Kirsten of Bright Yellow Door.
Kirsten was the first home decorator that I followed when I hopped on the social media wagon—but, here’s the funny thing: that’s not how I found her!

My hunt for vintage treasures runs far and wide. Kirsten, who lives in a sweet little cottage with a yellow door just a short drive from us in the neighboring city of Everett, would occasionally sell some of her vintage finds online. I always loved her items, and the way she photographed them was amazing! When I found out that she had a blog, I was so smitten with the way she styled her home, and she gave me so much inspiration.
What I love most about Kirsten’s home is the undeniable feeling of comfort. It’s breathtakingly gorgeous, yes, but it’s not stuffy by any means. Instead, it feels real, and grounded, and honest. Those are the same things I strive for in our home, and that has made Kirsten one of my favorite mentors.

The other things I love is that Kirsten is not afraid of color, bold patterns, and rich textures. I know that the all-white-farmhouse look is very popular these days, but it’s always felt too cold and pristine for me. Kirsten’s use of a broad design palette is exactly why her home exudes a feeling of warmth.
The first time I visited Kirsten’s home while picking up a little footstool that I’d purchased from her, I was struck by the sense of ease and calm that it exuded. Kirsten’s home is exactly what home should be about: it’s livable! Gosh, I can only hope that my home evokes those same feelings for everyone who visits!

If you’re just meeting Kirsten for the first time today, you are definitely in for a treat as you tour her gorgeous home. Be sure to get to know Kirsten better online { @brightyellowdoor } because she is an endless source of inspiration for creating a livable, beautiful home!

All photos courtesy of Kirsten at Bright Yellow Door

French Creek Fellowship is a weekly series where I’ll be introducing you to some of the talented and inspiring friends I’ve made along the way of our fixer-upper-farmhouse journey. While their homes and design style are truly inspiring indeed, what strikes me the most about the friends I’ll be featuring is their authenticity and character. They each have such pure and genuine hearts that they willingly and graciously share with others, and isn’t that just what the spirit of fellowship is really all about?